Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And this is my bedroom!
This is the view from my bedroom!
I discovered a wonderful new thing today, bananas and nutella! Soooooo good! It's very similar to peanut butter and banana so I feel stupid not to have thought of it before! After I ate my nutella and banana I told Margot and Fanny about peanut butter and banana and they tried it and loved it! And what I just thought about now is that we should try peanut butter, nutella and banana! That would be an amazing sandwich!!!!!! Otherwise the food here is very similar the only difference is they cook everything with cream.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

These are some pictures of the village, the little girl in the pink snowsuit is Margot half-sister, Camille. She is very very cute.

This is a picture I took of the Alps, it is soooo beautiful!


This is my sixth day in France and I have already been to the market, started a bank account, went skiing in the French Alps and learned to play a game called Jungle Speed. Here they eat croissants and Nutella for breakfast every morning, it is a wonderful tradition that I will be adopting when I get back to Canada! At the ski hill/mountain they have chair lifts but they also have this thing called a teleski. It is basically a pole with a tiny metal circle at the end, your supposed to put it between your legs, but not sit on it, and let it pull you up the very steep mountain. They had a slow teleski for the baby hill (which is still surprisingly steep) so I was able to make it up but when we went on the the second teleski, the adult one, I fell off. I got up the second time, but then Margot fell off,by the third time we all got up the mountain successfully!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

France Count-down

I leave for France in two days! 
This is my little test post. 
Thank you everyone for my lovely surprise party! 


Emma made me a blog!!! woo hoo